
(12/19/23) Another 30ish days has come and gone. Nothing really ever changes in my day to day life and when something does pop up I always forget by the time I write it down. Work picked up for thanksgiving, and then it immediately dropped again, and now we're completely booked up for the week leading up the christmas. Finished the semester so now just gotta wait for the next to start. Nothing really interesting has happened in my personal life. I wanna continue working on my enamel pin page both by adding more of my pins and also by adding a popup on each pin that gives some information about the pin like the name and the creator. Still have no idea how I'm going to organize everything.

(11/20/23) It's been almost a month since I last updated anything here. That's mostly because I moved at the beginning of the month and we haven't had wifi since them because apparently during the renovation of this apartment they just cut through the wires connected to the outlet. Took us till saturday to get someone down here and figure that out but thankfully after that everything went pretty swift. Besides that we've also had some pipes replaced in the apartment because the person who lived here before us never told the front office she didn't have any hot water in the kitchen. We figured this out soon after move in but weren't too bothered by it until we realized it also affected the dishwasher. The hot water is back on in the kitchen but we might be having other dishwasher related issues with the soap tray.

Besides all that everything else has been pretty normal. Work has really picked up but that's to be expected considering the holiday season is here. My coworker renamed Ariel to Layla and theyve been bonding real well. She got her revaccinated and everything since we weren't ever able to get he actual shot records. Currently she's trying to train Layla to know a couple basic commands so she'll be a little less unruly. It's nice that I still get to see her since she comes to work with her new mom basically everyday. While she was getting her vaccinations they discoverd that those small odd patched of thinner fur on her body was from some allergies she has so they're trying out some different methods to help alleviate that. I really am glad she found a new home that's able to take care of her because vets are expensive and I know my coworker gets a good deal on everything since her daughter works at the vet she goes to.

It feels like just a couple days ago I had all these things I wanted to write down and talk about on here but now I just can't remember any of them. It probably would've been a good idea to write things down as they happened. I still need to actually add some of the pictures I've edited of my pins to the collection page and finally get that started. Ive edited about 6 pictures out of the like 105 that I have to take for all of them. Of course by the time I get anywhere close to the end that number will have grown. Speaking of collections, I finally bought an actual sticker book to put my stickers in. I guess I didn't have as many as I thought but now that I have a designated space for them it's a little bit hard not to add them to the list of things I'm actually collecting on purpose. Before they were more just the byproduct of me collecting other things.

Adam's niece, nephew, and their mom are planning to come down around christmas time to celebrate so I'm excited to see them. It'll be a little bit of a squeeze though since they'll be staying with us and our apartment isn't that big. I'm also a bit worried about the kids bothering Turnip too much since they're still young. They've kinda met her before when we went down to visit last year but she hid most of the time and there's only so many places she can hide here. Adan says we'll just explain to them that Turnip isn't as tolerant as the cat they got a while ago. Adam showed my a video months and months ago of the cat their mom got for them after they met Turnip and while they weren't being intenionally cruel or anyhting they were definietly treating it more like you would a stuffed animal. I think Adam said they returned it the cat to the shelter they got it from about a month after they got it. I just hope the cat went to a gentler family.

I'm thinking about adding a 'Read More' feature to some of these longer entries but I have no idea how or wether I really want to.

(10/22/23) Lots have happened since the last time I made an entry about a week and a bit ago. But none of it is super interesting. Mostly just work. Got a new coworker but so far he's only worked on wednesday just cuz that's the only day we have a spot for him. My boss is wondering if he wants to work in the spare area we have for the dogs. I tried to explain to her that, with the way we're slowing down, adding a new person wouldn't be the best way to make sure everyone has enough work but idk if she took me seriously.

Currently Ariel has been going home with one of the groomers who's thinking about keeping her. The hang-up is her daughter doen't really want her in the house since she's a little bit dog aggresive and not very socialized. I'm sure things will work out tho. My coworker is very much attached to Ariel now since they spend all day together.

Only other thing was I went to the renaissance festival last weekend and had an awesome time. It was me and my fiance (Adam) and then our friend Matt and their sister Sam. I'm gonna start using names on here because honestly there's no real reason not to. No one but me is ever really gonna look at this and remember. So we were there for Matt's birthday cuz thats a tradition they have with Adam and their friend group. We got there, walked around for a bit, and then I got high with Matt and Sam. (It's a little funny that the first time I got high was also with Matt the day before we went to the renfest almost exactly a year ago.) The festival is fun on its own but high its like 10 times better. The first act we watched was like a silent magic act and it was just phenomenal. Sam was kind enough to let me ramble, almost incoherently, to her for about 30 minutes about a book that both Matt and Adam were too squeamish to hear me talk about. (Especially kind of her because it was actually my first time really meeting her.) End of the day we took some cute pictures in our outfits and it was just a fun time all around.

(10/12/23) Maybe this'll just be a place where I complain about work. Busy week so far. 27 dogs on tuesday but it wasn't too bad, mostly manageable. The thing that really made it memorable was someone abandoned their dog with us. This woman had been giving us grief for months. Something is always wrong and the price is always too high. She has actually accused us multiple times of not taking any fur off of her dog at all so no one would actually agree to give her a re-do. My boss ended up giving her a free groom just to get her to stop complaining and I thought that was the end of things but no.

The puppy that she was complaining about is this little 5 month old shitzu but the dog she abandoned was originally her daugters. The dog is this 2 year old, unspayed, chihuahua mix named Ariel. Apparently what happened was that after the lady's original dog died, the daughter bought her the shitzu puppy as a replacement, less then a month later, against her mom's wishes. Then the daugther decided she didn't want Ariel anymore and asked us for help rehoming her. Then she got married and dumped Ariel with the mom. Then the lady scheduled a bath appointment with us for Ariel and never came to pick her up.

I know the lady is fine and allright and didn't suffer some sort of freak accident causing her to be unable to come get the dog because she has called us, multiple times. Tuesday is when she left the dog. My boss talked to her yesterday and she called us again today. She refuses to pick up her dog and yet she feels the need to call us and make sure we're taking care of her and trying our best to find a good home for her. Of course we are, but I can't imagine the gall this woman has thinking she has any right to harass us further about this dog. I don't know why my boss has put up with them for so long and she still continues to be as polite as she can. Apparently, she has agreed to give this woman a call and get her blessing whenever we do find a home for Ariel. She is quite literally the owner of the shop. There is no chain of command above her that she has to worry about. It's just insane.

(10/06/23) Work is definetly picking up. We've had over 20 dogs the last couple of days and while it isn't too bad it still kinda sucks. Like I'm glad we're staying busy and making money and all that but it's alot. Especially combined with school. And it's only gonna get busier when we hit the real holiday months.

In other news, I've decided to give up on the hunt for the perfect scrapbook album to use for my sticker collection. People make actual books with the sticker release paper for a reason. No matter how much I don't wanna take the backing off of my stickers I'd rather store them in something made for it than try out a different thing and have it ruin them. I've also thought about maybe recording all the stickers I have, like what I'm doing with my pins and charms, but I don't need another thing to distract myself from school work with. Also I have way too many that I've gotten just as random freebies to possibly remember when I get them.

(09/27/23) Ha! Another journal entry! The only real updates I have is I finally got the spreadsheet of all my enamel pins up to date. Currently I have 97. I've also started a spreadsheet for my acrylic keychain charms that I ended up just collecting as a byproduct to my pins. Speaking of collections I'm in the process of finding the perfect self-adhesive photo album/ scrapbooking book for all the stickers I've accidenly accumulated. I was talking to one of my coworker about this thick envelope of stickers I have that won't fit into the photo sleeves I bought to organize my buisness cards when she mentioned the self sticking books she used to use back when she scrapbooked. So now I'm on the hunt.

(09/21/23) I'm finally starting the journaling portion of this website. This is mostly because since school has started once again I've had less free time to develope this place more. I wanna give myself some reason to really come back and do something instead of just blankly staring at the code for 20 minutes before it's time to get back to my school work.

Today was a pretty light day at work. Only 17 dogs, 2 of which were just there for baths, as opposed to the usual 20. One of our regulars that I saw yesterday came back in to tip me for going out and getting her dog from the car and then bringing him back to her at pickup even though I really didn't mind doing it. She has health issues so it's really the only thing I could've done in that situation. She gave me $20 on top of what she tipped the groomer for his work. It's insane. A part of me wants to hide the money from my fiance. Not because I can't trust him or anything but because it's kinda lame we always have to use my tips when we do laundry.